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1 Channel MOSFET Switch IRF540 Isolated Power - Red + Black

MOSFET is an electronic device having a good switching characteristics£¬ is widely used in the electronic switch circuit needs£¬ such as switching power supplies and motor drives£¬ and a lighting dimming. Relays are all very familiar with another module has switching characteristics£¬ but because of the working principle of the relay is generally achieved by mechanical contact on and off purposes£¬ which will inevitably lead to a very short switching times under the circumstances£¬ the relay situation does not work£¬ the other sounds when Baba contact switch in some cases is more annoying thing¡£ Use this module with Arduino electronic building blocks 4 IRF540 MOSFET switches use the same£¬ but changes to the way the original four. Use reference Arduino 4-way switch IRF540 MOSFET Modules£º We designed this four-way MOSFET switch can provide up to four groups of electronic switches£¬ were used to control different circuit modules. Affected MOSFET works£¬ the electronic building blocks can be used to control the DC circuit£¬ such as DC LED screen£¬ etc.£¬ are not suitable for controlling the AC circuit. Under extreme circumstances of the MOSFET switch can be used to control 100V / 33A DC circuit£¬ but control is recommended not less than the minimum DC voltage 9V¡£ The circuit is connected at one end of the wire is slightly controlled some trouble. To control a 12V LED lights£¬ for example£¬ First£¬ the positive (+) and negative (-) between the connected power£» Then connect the positive LED lights with the module connected to the positive (+)£¬ LED lights with the anode connected to the switch 1 (S1) on£» If there are other LED lights with the need to control£¬ Just the same cathode lights with LED module is connected to the positive (+)£¬ LED lights with the negative electrode in turn is connected to the switch 2 (S2)£¬ switch 3 (S3)£¬ the switch 4 (S4) on£» Connection control side is much simpler£¬ We only need a sensor cable£¬ The corresponding control port Arduino sensor expansion board connected£¬ you can control the 12V LED lights brought by Arduino. Experiment£¬ we picked up two LED lights¡£ Test code as follows£º int s1Pin = 6;int s2Pin = 7; void setup() {pinMode(s1Pin£¬ OUTPUT);pinMode(s2Pin£¬ OUTPUT);} void loop() {int i; digitalWrite(s1Pin£¬ HIGH);digitalWrite(s2Pin£¬ HIGH);delay(500); digitalWrite(s1Pin£¬ LOW);digitalWrite(s2Pin£¬ LOW);delay(500); for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {digitalWrite(s1Pin£¬ HIGH);delay(500);digitalWrite(s1Pin£¬ LOW);delay(500);} for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {digitalWrite(s2Pin£¬ HIGH);delay(50);digitalWrite(s2Pin£¬ LOW);delay(50);}}

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