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2.5 314GB USB Hard Drive For Raspberry Pi 3B/2B/B+ - Silver + Black

A drive uniquely Pi! With a drive that's truly designed for Pi£¬ you get 314GB so you can create storage-hungry projects with ease. Lower power consumption With custom data recording and electrical design£¬ the WD PiDrive 314GB is engineered to draw less power for use with Raspberry Pi. Fully customizable Build storage-hungry projects to your desired needs£¬ whether a media player£¬ security camera or NAS. The WD PiDrive 314GB is as versatile as your Raspberry Pi. Reliability Leveraging very mature HDD technology£¬ based off of the WD Blue slim drive. A unique software solution for new users As a free download on the WDLabs website£¬ a special WDLabs Berryboot* version will be available that includes additional Raspberry Pi applications specific for HDD storage usage. *Berryboot is a simple operating system installer (open-source software) and boot selection screen for ARM devices£¬ like Raspberry Pi£¬ to create a cleaner plug and play experience. It allows you to install multiple

Click here to buy now - $94.37

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