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3D Printer Control Board DIY Compatible for Ultimaker PCB RAMPS Dual Print EW - Deep Blue

Features: - This product is an Arduino MEGA as Ultimaker UltiStepper drive is compatible with Pololu stepper driver boards of a board. This is very similar to other electronic-based realization of Pololu including RAMPS£¬ it can support up to five stepper motors (three as X£¬ one of the other functions Y£¬ Z£¬ an extruder). You can add as much as you need stepper drive carriers. It is designed to run at a higher voltage than 12 volts£¬ which allows you to put a 90-watt MOSFET and run your stepper motor with more torque and higher top speed. It has a head £¬ increasing the SD card module £¬ IDC head added LCD panel ( movie )£¬ PWM output power LED arrays and other lighting and serial I / O £¬ Bluetooth and Ethernet add-ons . Note : Connect Jumper ( nearly VR tube 7812TV)£¬ Arduino MEGA Ultimaker control panel will also have the power. - Simple 4-way JST connector plug for all motors . - Stepper motor control up to 5 ( 3 X£¬ Y and Z axes extruder ( in "E axis" ) £¬ you can optionally add another axis by adding a Pololu stepper drives . - By jumper configuration steps. - 3 times 55 amps output MOSFET (with LED indicator. Actual current limited capacity PCB and connector) - All leads are breaking the maximum scalability from 15V to 19V. - Thermocouple input £¬ or thermistor input. 100K thermistor recommendations. - Power on / switch documented board. - Thermocouple wiring easier . - (Normally open) fan-cooled electronic device includes a 12V regulator.

Click here to buy now - $22.77

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