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Broadcast Packets Sent Station for iBeacon Module Bluetooth 4.0

What is iBeacon? iBeacon is a protocol standardised by Apple and introduced at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in 2013. Various vendors have since made iBeacon-compatible hardware transmitters - typically called beacons- a class of Bluetooth low energy devices that broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices. The technology enables smartphones£¬ tablets and other devices to perform actions when in close proximity to an iBeacon. What can I do with iBeacon? One application is distributing messages at a specific Point of Interest£¬ for example a store£¬ a bus stop£¬ a room or a more specific location like a piece of furniture or a vending machine. This is similar to previously used geopush technology based on GPS£¬ but with a much reduced impact on battery life and much extended precision (from a few metres down to a few centimetres). Another application is an indoor positioning system£¬ which helps smart phones determine their approximate location or context. With the help of an iBeacon£¬ a smartphone's software can approximately find its relative location to an iBeacon in a store. Brick and mortar retail stores use the beacons for mobile commerce£¬ offering customers special deals though mobile marketing£¬ and can enable mobile payments though point of sale systems. How to push messages via iBeacon? Despite the misunderstanding that push message is achieved via base station£¬ iBeacon actually only provides location-based services. To push messages£¬ users need to develop an APP£¬ install it in phone£¬ and run corresponding services in the background. For example sales promotions are pushed into user's devices when in store range£¬ the message is fetched via the App£¬ not via iBeacon. To be more specific£¬ when the APP receives iBeacon location information£¬ after calculating your current location in accordance with the specific conditions of the you set£¬ the APP requests advertising data from server and pushes corresponding data to your device£¬ and that makes one complete iBeacon push message. That is to say£¬ to achieve dynamic information push requires at least an APP and a data server. This product is comes with a dedicated iOS APP - LightBeacon£¬ for configurating the individual module or by batch£¬ and can detect iBeacons with Apple standards. SPECIFICATION: 1. Model: IBc41 2. Chip: TI CC2541 (BLE4.0) 3. Power: CR2450 button battery 4. Support low power£¬ average power consumption 30uA (800ms broadcasting) 5. Battery life: about 1.5 years (Note: we highly recommended to use good famouse barnd button battery such as Toshiba) 6. Compatible with Apple£¬ Estimote 7. Customizable UUID£¬ Major£¬Minor 8. Customizable radio intervals£¬ transmit power 9. Support ITU detection 10.Support OAD technology£¬ wireless firmware update 11.Support repair password 12.Range: 30~50 m More detail please refer to download link;

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