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CJMCU- MLX90614 AAA Human Body IR Non-Contact Thermometer Module

CJMCU- MLX90614 AAA is a human body infrare non-contact thermometer. It's also a low cost temperature module. Working voltage is 3~5V£¬ low power consumption and small size. Working protocol is read IR temperature data via MCU. Serial port (TTL level); Communication output (baud rate is settable): serial port" 9600bps£¬ 57600bps and 115200bps; With two different kinds od output modes: continous and ask£¬ can suitable for different working occasions£¬ can connect all MCUs and computers. Communication Protocol: Serail port commucation specification (default rate is 115200bps£¬ settable) Baud Rate: 9600bps£¬ Parity bit: N£¬ Data bit: 8£¬ Stop bit: 1 Baud Rate: 57600bps£¬ Parity bit: N£¬ Data bit: 8£¬ Stop bit: 1 Baud Rate: 115200bps£¬ Parity bit: N£¬ Data bit: 8£¬ Stop bit: 1 Module Output Format: Direction length: 9 Data output format: Byte 1 frame header: 0 * 66 Byte 2 frame header: 0 * 66 Byte 3 data output mode (0 * 1: continous output (default)£¬ 0*02: query output) Byte 4 measures data length Byte 5 data 1 high 8-bit Byte 6 data 1 low 8-bit Byte 7 data 2 high 8-bit Byte 8 data 2 low 8-bit Byte 9 data parity bit Using Method: Connect module to power supply and connect to serial port;Serial port outputs directly; If you want to change send mode£¬ you can send direction of 66 66 02 56 to module£¬ module will reture one data of temperature each time you send a direction; If you want to change baud rate to 9600£¬ you can send 66 66 11 56 to module£¬ and 66 66 12 56 to change baud rate to 57600.

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