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Geeetech Iduino Yun Shield Controller Development Board - Black

Iduino Yun Shield£¬ an extremely powerful development for Arduino board£¬ is designed to solve the problems of connection and storage which exist in the Arduino board. Iduino Yun Shield runs Open Source OpenWrt System (Same system as runs in Arduino Yun) and it is fully compatible with Arduino IDE V1.5.4 or later versions. Yun Shield is an ideal choice for Arduino Projects which require various internet connections and more storage. Actually£¬ Iduino Yun Shield is equal to the official Arduino Yun£¬ but Iduino Yun Shield is more flexible because it can work with other Arduino board such as Uno£¬ Duemilanove£¬ and Mega etc. Iduino Yun Shield uses external antenna which provides stable connection under various environments. The Iduino Yun is the core module of Iduino Yun Shield. And it requires 200mA current when in full load£¬ so it is powered by the Arduino VIN pins to avoid overheated in the Arduino onboard 5V LD0. Features: 1. Open source Linux system (OpenWrt) inside 2. Low power consumption 3. Compatible with Arduino IDE 1.5.4 or later versions. Users can program£¬ debug or upload Sketch to Arduino board 4. Managed by Web GUI£¬ SSH via LAN or Wifi 5. Software upgradable via network 6. Support internet connection via LAN port£¬ Wifi or 3G dongle 7. Support USB flash to provide storage for Arduino projects 8. Reliable design provides robust system 9. Compatible with Arduino Leonardo£¬ Uno£¬ Duemilanove£¬ Diecimila and Mega Overview and Hard ware Resources Processor: 400MHz£¬ 24 MIPS Flash: 16MB RAM: 64MB Power input: 4.75V~23V via Arduino Vin pin 1×10M/100M RJ45 Connector 150M Wifi 802.11 b/g/n External antenna via I-Pex 1×USB port for USB storage or 3G connection 1×Reset button Compatible with 3.3V or 5V I/O Arduino Size: 70mm * 53mm*24mm Interface layout

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