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Geekworm ESP32 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Development Board ESP-WROOM-32 Board

[Overview] Geekworm ESP32-DevKitC is a low-footprint£¬ minimal system development board which is powered by our latest ESP-WROOM-32 module and can be easily adjusted to a breadboard. [New and Powerful] Built around the ESP-WROOM-32£¬ this minimal system development board achieves optimal performance with its rich peripheral set£¬ Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio solutions£¬ which are offered by our latest SoC£¬ the ESP32. The limit is your imagination! [Rapid Prototyping] Get right into application design and development without worrying about RF performance and antenna design. The ESP32-DevKitC has your basic system requirements already covered. Just plug in the USB cable and you’re good to go! [Flexible and Feature-Rich] The ESP32-DevKit contains the entire basic support circuitry for the ESP-WROOM-32£¬ including the USB-UART bridge(CH340)£¬ reset- and boot-mode buttons£¬ LDO regulator and a micro-USB connector. All pin export GPIO is available to the developer. [Breadboard-Friendly] The ESP32-DevKitC pinout is optimized for prototyping on a breadboard. The on-board LDO output is led out for powering additional off-board electronics. Peripheral outputs are grouped together for hassle-free prototyping. Please refer for more information¡£

Click here to buy now - $9.45

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