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I2C LCD 1602 Shield Display Module for Arduino UNO / Mega2560

This is a new high-quality 2 line 16 character LCD display shield with I2C interface and it is a basic character LCD screen for lots of applications. It is compatible with Arduino UNO R3 / Arduino Mega2560 and it can be used to display real time clock£¬ temperature and humidity. Its backlight can help you to read the screen clearly in the dark environment. There are also two touch keys onboard£¬ and an I2C interface for RTC module£¬ a digital interface£¬ four analog input pins that can be connected to the temperature measurement module(DS18B20)£¬ or temperature and humidity module(DHT11 or DHT22)£¬ etc. Features: - Standard shield interface£¬ perfectly compatible with Arduino UNO / MEGA2560; - Very easy to use with the libary for Arduino: LiquidCrystal-I2C; - I2C Address: 0x38; - Operating voltage: 4.5~5.2V; - Interface logic level: 5V; - Operating current: 80mA (MAX); - Backlight color: Yellow-green; - Char color: Black; - Display Size: 2.6 inch; - Applications: Thermometers£¬ Meters£¬ DIY projects£¬ etc.

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