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Micro USB UNO R3 BreadBoard Advance Kit for Arduino

.sku-text{font-size:13px;margin:5px 0;font-family:'Verdana';} This is multifunctional kit based on Arduino development board. It includes many of the most popular accessories for DIY projects: like Breadboard£¬ Jumper wires£¬ Color LEDs£¬ Resistors£¬ Buzzer£¬ etc. When you get the kit£¬ you can follow the tutorial to do experiments without buying any other additional components. The kit can help you learn simple Arduino programming and learn how to make interesting projects. The tutorial consists several experiments£¬ such as Button Controlled LED£¬ Light Controlled LED£¬ 1602 LCD Display£¬ Infrared Remote Control£¬ etc.£¬ and it is easy to start. 1. PIR motion sensor; 2. Touch sensor; 3. Ultrasonic sensor It is 100% compatible with Arduino UNO R3 program£¬ expansion shields£¬ IDE Use ATmega328P chip Use micro USB interface£¬ compatible with more expansion boards All pins breakout for breadboard DIY More lightweight£¬ low power consumption Colorful tutorial sensor module£¬ LCD display module Program for examples Easy and funny for breadboard Help to learn simple Arduino programming and learn how to make interesting projects. It includes many of the most popular accessories for DIY projects: like Breadboard£¬ Jumper wires£¬ color LEDs£¬ resistors£¬ buzzer£¬ etc.

Click here to buy now - $23.44

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