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OPEN-SMART Pro Mini ATmega8 Development Board for Arduino

OPEN-SMART Mini ATmega8 board is a development board based on ATmega8A. You can supply the system voltage as needed£¬ like 3.3V or 5V£¬ which is very useful if you want to set the system to 3.3V to save power. For example£¬ you want to connect directly 3.3V LCD / ESP8266 wifi / BME280 barometric sensor module to Arduino without level conversion module£¬ you can supply 3.3V to use them directly. We have used the motherboard and Arduino-1.6.5 IDE to test available peripheral modules as follows: Touch sensor£¬ eagle eyes LED£¬ buzzer£¬ I2C 1602 LCD£¬ serial MP3 player£¬ serial Bluetooth£¬ long range RF 433MHz kit£¬ DS1307 RTC£¬ etc. Features: - Arduino IDE Board Type: OPEN SMART ATmega8£¬ you just need to add the follow 17 lines at the end of the doc ...arduino-1.6.5-r2hardwarearduinoavr boards.txt. Save it and and then restart the IDE. ############################################################## SMART ATmega8 atmega8o.upload.tool=avrdude atmega8o.upload.protocol=arduino atmega8o.upload.maximum_size=7680 atmega8o.upload.maximum_data_size=1024 atmega8o.upload.speed=115200 atmega8o.bootloader.low_fuses=0xbf atmega8o.bootloader.high_fuses=0xdc atmega8o.bootloader.file=optiboot/optiboot_atmega8.hex atmega8o.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F atmega8o.bootloader.lock_bits=0x0F atmega8o.bootloader.tool=avrdude - On-board burner interface (DTR TX RX GND VCC)£¬ you can connect OPEN-SMART CH340G UART programmer to upload Arduino code to the board. - It is compatible with Arduino IDE and most Arduino UNO R3 libraries. - This board is ideal for learners want to learn Arduino and make creative projects. - On-board test indicator LED£¬ and you can program to control it. - Microcontroller: ATmega8A - Working voltage: 5V or 3.3V. - IO logic voltage: 5V or 3.3V - Working current: 1000mA (Max) - Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) - Flash Memory: 8KB of which 0.5KB used by bootloader - SRAM: 1KB - EEPROM: 512B - Clock Speed: 16 MHz

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