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WRTnode OpenWrt Development Board for Arduino - Yellow

WRTnode is a high performance CPU£¬ low power consuming£¬ cheap£¬ and small dev board that can run OpenWRT OS and also easy to port all open source software of Linux. Today£¬ more and more devices could connect to internet£¬ named Internet of Things. The WRTnode is a small node which could connect internet all by itself and do something complicated. Such as track a cat running over£¬ identify what you are saying and twitter it£¬ check email and pronounce for you£¬ learn how your room layout and find garbage to sweep while streaming camera video to you over internet. Features: - Open source hardware for OpenWrt - mini Linux+Wi-Fi board - easy and completed IDE - smart machines' heart - low power-consuming - complete I/Os£¬ high performance - 300MBit/s Wi-Fi and low price - Software Feature - Based on OpenWrt BARRIER BREAKER (Bleeding Edge£¬ r41508) - Using rt2860v2 Wi-Fi driver hacked by lintel - Using customized uboot hacked by manfeel - WRTnode aplci up link Wi-Fi configuration (aps/vw/nr/ia) - Luci Wi-Fi wpa patch for rt2860v2 - Local dns add & wrtnode.lan besides openwrt.lan to WRTnode with the default WRTnode ip is - WRTnode additional feature (all source opened - Opencv 2.4.8 - Native gcc-mipsel on mt7620 and bin-utils - Porting linino (Arduino yun) source to WRTnode - Shine: fast fixed-point mp3 encoding - And some WRTnode demo apps: opencv application demo£¬ mechanical control demo£¬ RESTful front-end demo and some other thing - Resource - Documents - Quick Mesh Project for WRTnode - WRTnode SDK Specification: - 45mm*50mm - MTK MT7620N 600MHz mips cpu (MIPS24KEc) - 512Mb DDR2ram - 128Mb spi flash - 2T2R 802.11n 2.4 GHz - 23GPIOs - 5-Port PHY (JTAG) - SPI - UART Lite - USB 2.0

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