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Waveshare 4.3 E-ink LCD Module Supports SD for Arduino / Raspberry Pi

.sku-text{font-size:13px;width:898px;margin:5px 0;font-family:'Verdana';} 4.3inch serial interface electronic paper display Overview This is a serial intefface E-4nk display module. 4 3 600 resolution£¬ with embedded font librwies. ultra low power consumption You donl have to know anything about the complex undertymg details of e-Paper nor the specific algorithms of displaying graphics£¬ texts£¬ and images. All it needs is the senal interface£¬ and all it matters is your creativity Features Easy to use£¬ displays any contents via one senal internee£¬ including geometric graphics£¬ texts£¬ and images Embedded font libranes£¬ supports 32. 48 and 64 dot matrix GBK Chinese fonts and English fonts Built-in 128MB NandFlash. allows the font/image data to be stored in either an external TF card or the internal NandFlash 4 grey level displaying. 800?600 resolution Adjustable serial internee baud rate. 115200 by default wtien power up Powered from 3 3V to 5V£¬ compatible with logic level Ultra low power consumption£¬ sleeping current lower than 5mA Comes with host computer software£¬ control it directly on your computer Application e book Shopping mall POS Price label Industry instrument Pin Definitions VCC : 3.3V~5.5V GND : GND DOUT : Serial data out DIN : Serial data in WAKE_UP : Extermal wake up RST : External reset

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