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Waveshare AlphaBot£¬ Bluetooth Robot Building Kit for Arduino - Blue

Bluetooth robot building kit for Arduino: UNO PLUS + AlphaBot + Ultrasonic Sensor + Bluetooth + Versatile Accessory Shield¡£OverviewThis kit comes with controller board UNO PLUS£¬ AlphaBot robotic platform (line tracking£¬ obstacle avoidance£¬ speed measuring£¬ IR control)£¬ ultrasonic sensor£¬ Bluetooth module£¬ and a versatile Arduino accessory shield. While utilizing UNO PLUS as controller board£¬ this kit is based on the Arduino software/hardware open source platform. Combined with the modular design£¬ it's an ideal platform to get started with Arduino robot. UNO PLUS FeaturesUNO PLUS is a development board compatible with the Arduino UNO R3£¬ an improved & enhanced alternative solution for Arduino UNO R3. UNO PLUS Vs UNO R3£º UNO PLUSUNO R3Remarks Operating voltage5V/3.3V5VDual voltage level to support more shields ResetLateralVerticalLateral button is easier to use when connecting with shield Bootloader switchYesNoneThe board can be configured to run program immediately when power-up by the switch USB connectorMicro USBUSB Type BMicro connector is more commonly used£¬ and shields won't be blocked anymore while connecting DC jackLow profileNormal heightShields won't be blocked anymore while connecting Power output headerYesNoneProviding 5V/3.3V power output OR common-grounding with other boards 3.3V power output800mA Max150mA MaxUNO PLUS features higher driving capability OscillatorCrystal oscillatorCeramic resonatorCrystal oscillator is suit for applications where accurate clock reference is required ADC channel86CFG used as ADC6 by configuration£¬ and ADC7 from the Reserved PIN Connecting with prototype breadboardSupportedNot supportedSolder pads is provided for DIY interfaces to connecting with prototype breadboard USB driverCompatible with all main systemsDoesn't compatible with WIN7/WIN8 Express EditionDriver will never failed to install thanks to the onboard FT232 Firmware fixingSupportedNot supportedFirmware can be fixed by using the onboard FT232£¬ no extra programmer is needed AlphaBot FeaturesRaspberry Pi/Arduino interfaces£¬ works with either one separately£¬ or bothArduino extend header£¬ supports Arduino shieldsModular design£¬ plug-and-play modules like line tracking£¬ obstacle avoidance£¬ speed measuring£¬ etc. eliminating the trouble of connecting mess wires.LM298P motor driver with diode protection circuit£¬ more safetyLM2596 voltage regular£¬ provides stable 5V power to the Raspberry Pi/ArduinoTLC1543 AD acquisition chip£¬ allows the Pi to use analog sensors Accessory Shield OverviewAccessory Shield integrates common used accessories/components listed as follows : Joystick (5 directions)Adjustable potentiometerBuzzerRGB LEDTemperature sensor3-axis digital accelerometerHigh precision RTC0.96inch OLEDXBee interface

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