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Waveshare Micro:Bit Development Board - Black

BBC micro:bit£¬ a pocket-sized computer to learn programming for kids and beginners Overview The BBC micro:bit is an open development board that allows you to run code on it and have access to all of the hardware. You can use your BBC micro:bit for all sorts of cool creations£¬ from robots to musical instruments – the possibilities are endless. This little device has an awful lot of features£¬ like 25 red LED lights that can flash messages. There are two programmable buttons that can be used to control games or pause and skip songs on a playlist. Your BBC micro:bit can detect motion and tell you which direction you’re heading in£¬ and it can use a low energy Bluetooth connection to interact with other devices and the Internet. Software: Supports Microsoft PXT graphical editor available on Windows£¬ macOS£¬ iOS and Android online programming£¬ needs no more compiler download/debug your code on PC via USB download/debug your code on mobile devices via Bluetooth Supports multi popular languages like Javasript£¬ Phython£¬ Mbed C£¬ etc. Microsoft Touch Develop IDE Microsoft Blocks Code Kingdoms Javascript Micro Pythonmbed enabled Hardware: Nordic nRF5182216 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 micro controller Bluetooth® 4.0 low energy/2.4GHz RF SoC 16kB RAM£¬ 256kB Flash Freescale KL26Z – 48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU Compass – Freescale MAG3110 3-axis magnetometer£¬ I2C interface Accelerometer – Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer£¬ I2C interface Power connector – 3V power supply Reset button – reset the system Micro USB connector – for connecting PC£¬ download code£¬ serial communication£¬ etc. 5x5 LED display – 5x5 LED grid Button A/B – programmable buttons I/O connection pins – 5 I/O rings and 20-pin edge connector£¬ including SPI£¬ UART£¬ I2C£¬ Analog£¬ PWM£¬ etc.

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